New Federal Requirements for Worker's Personal Assistance
If you run or administer a federal agency or state municipality you are now required to provide personal assistance services (PAS) to any qualified employee. This is regardless of the size of your agency. With the number of disabled employees continuing to increase, it is important to understand and properly implement the rules for personal assistance services government and Precision will help you do that.
What are Personal Assistance Services Under the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s 2017 revision of Rule 501 of the Rehabilitation Act, all federal agencies must provide Personal Assistance Services (PAS) to employees who need them due to certain disabilities. These services are basic tasks necessary to enable the worker to perform their job and generally are such things as assistance with eating and using the restroom.
While employees who need personal assistance services government are likely to be a very small percentage of your staff, providing the services is a very important obligation. PAS is a significant way to enable people who need assistance to do jobs for which they are otherwise qualified to perform. Getting/providing assistance with essential tasks like eating and using the restroom, result in a win-win situation. The competent workers are able to be employed and support themselves such an essential need while your agency gets a great worker. These benefits outweigh the costs of the personal assistance services government provided by Precision.
Disabled Federal Workers Percentages Increasing For fiscal year 2014, the amount of permanent Federal Employees with disabilities grew from Fiscal year 2013 count of 234,395 to 247,608 per the Office of Personnel Management 2015 report to the White House. With the number of federal government workers with disabilities continuing to rise to almost a quarter of a million people, it is also important to not just hire but to retain. A key is to make the workplace work for them and to keep them employed (employee retention).
Providing Personal Assistance Services Government with Dignity Hiring the right people to provide PAS services to your qualified disabled employees is critical. Precision is experienced with providing these critical and personal services in a competent manner and treating your workers with grace and dignity.
Qualified to Assist, Trusted by the Federal Government Precision is federally certified 8(a), HUBZone, WOSB, DBE firm; supports The US Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) to “Drive Change and Create
Opportunity.” Precision has been awarded IDIQ contract for serving federal employees with disabilities by providing PAS (Personal Assistance Services). You find they provide high-quality and reliable administrative staffing services for government agencies. Their federal clients include the following divisions of US Health & Human Services HHS (OppDivs – ACF, CDC, CMS, IHS, NIH).